Nurturing Mental Well Being In Later LifeWe’ve been thinking a lot about what vitality means to older adults. Recently, members of our community shared with us that as they age…Jan 25, 2022Jan 25, 2022
Nice Talking to You, StrangerThe end of one year and the beginning of another is often filled with thoughtful reflection and hopeful forecasting. This optimism is…Jan 11, 2022Jan 11, 2022
An Intergenerational Exploration of TimeAlive Ventures was recently invited to participate in a very special opportunity to facilitate intergenerational connection. We engaged our…Jan 3, 2022Jan 3, 2022
The Power of Being HeardIt is human nature to want to be heard and understood. This is especially true for the older adults in our community who shared with us…Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
What is Vitality?How often do you think about your own vitality? We’ve begun to explore the topic of vitality in later life and found that while the concept…Dec 7, 2021Dec 7, 2021
Context and Content MatterIn the 1970s the average person was exposed to approximately 500 ads per day. Today that number is upwards of 5,000. In such a saturated…Nov 30, 2021Nov 30, 2021
Can Our Older Selves Come Out and Play?Do you remember when you were a kid and would call up your friend and invite them to come over and play? When was the last time you did…Nov 16, 20211Nov 16, 20211
The Vulnerability Hurdle of Sharing OnlineIn later life older adults have accumulated an array of skills and experiences gained from various endeavors and explorations over the…Nov 9, 2021Nov 9, 2021
The Structure For Building TrustWe recently shared how many older adults prioritize enrichment over commitment, wanting easy to schedule or spontaneous ways to engage in…Nov 3, 2021Nov 3, 2021
Out with Commitment, in with EnrichmentWe’ve spent the last year exploring the ways older adults want to enhance love, work, and friendship in their later years. As we looked…Oct 26, 2021Oct 26, 2021